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Electricity: A vital source to fuel electric cars
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Published on 21st May 21

Electricity: A vital source to fuel electric cars

Since things are evolving so quickly, we must keep up with the speed of the future so that we do not fall behind in the race.

What is Electric Car?

An electric car or e-car is powered by an electric motor rather than an internal combustion engine that burns a mixture of gasoline and gases to generate power. Electric cars are quite costly today, and the cars which emit pollutants are cheaper than electric cars, so because of their non- affordability, they are not purchased by the people. To minimise the pollution and demand for fuel, the Government has taken many initiatives to go fully electric by 2040. Responding to the growth in electric cars will present unique challenges for everyone. Let us have a glance at them.

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How will the grid handle the increased demand for electricity if the future of transportation is fully electric?

Given how quickly car manufacturers are switching to electric vehicles, this is a huge question. In only the last few years, we have seen Volvo end producing cars powered solely by combustion engines by 2019 and Mercedes commit to producing electric versions of all their vehicles by 2022. By 2040, sales of all-diesel and all-petrol vehicles will be banned due to a global push to reduce carbon emissions.

Where will all that electricity come from?

People are already separating themselves from the grid and producing their energy in their homes and businesses. Self-generation systems, which range from solar to wind energy, will put the power in your hands. It can be used to heat your home and provide hot water, as well as to charge your electric vehicle. Some ways by which you can generate energy by yourself:

1. Residential Solar Panels 

Every beam of sunlight that lands on your roof provide you with free electricity. To capture it, all you need is a solar panel. Solar panels provide energy that must be used or stored immediately away. When your home consumes more energy than your solar panels produce, the solar energy just offsets the need to purchase electricity from the grid.

2. Solar Water Heaters

A solar water heater is a less expensive solution to capture some free energy if a full solar panel system is out of your price range but you still have some sunny real estate on your roof. The tank for most solar water heaters is kept on the roof as part of the installation, giving it a larger appearance.

Electricity,electric vehicle,electric chargers,best charger,electric cars,electricity generation,renewable resources,kazam,kazam EV,electric vehicles India,how can I generate electricity for electric vehicles,why an electric vehicle,ev chargers

3. Micro hydropower Systems

A micro-hydropower system is often even better than a hybrid system because the flow of water is more continuous and reliable than wind and sun. It enables to divert the flow of water through a small turbine and let the current generate free electricity 24 hours a day.

4. Hybrid Solar-Wind Systems

A combination of solar and wind system may be ideal for the area if you get bright days and windy nights. With the addition of a home battery, the combination would generate electricity around the clock, allowing you to hypothetically withdraw from the grid.

What if you can’t generate your energy?

According to a recent academic report, no one would be able to produce electricity on their own; however, what is the solution... 

What innovations will help us in charging our electric cars in the future?

Many innovations like smart devices and the cloud are being invented and will have an important role to play in the future. We will be able to control the electric charger in our garage from inside our homes in the future. We'll even be able to store energy in the Cloud from our homes and pull it down when we need it, similar to how you can store and retrieve information online. The Kazam chargers are the perfect solution by providing its best facilities and the ideal charging option for electric vehicles in residential communities, offices, malls, restaurants, stores, and gas stations.

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The Kazam chargers provided by  Kazam has the following features & can be used to charge cars & 3 wheelers as well:

• Charger is built to handle up to 7kw power

• 3 pinpoint 16 A socket used to charge an electric car.

• Any electric vehicle can be fully charged in a fraction of the time.

Who are we?

At Kazam, we take care of our EV buyers and provide you with complete EV solutions. From battery and charging solutions to the range and cost of electric vehicles. Make an appointment right now! Visit Kazam EV at https://www.kazam.in/ for more information, or send us a message on our social media handles Kazam EV, and we will respond to your kazamly!

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