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EV charging station etiquette: Does and Don'ts for new EV owners
Dipti Sonawane
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Published on 27th May 24

EV charging station etiquette: Does and Don'ts for new EV owners

As electric vehicles are gaining popularity day by day ,it has become essential for EV drivers to follow basic etiquette.This will ensure a pleasant experience for all users at public charging stations.This article will help you to understand best practices to follow while using EV charging stations. So let's delve into the details.

Park only when charging: Golden rule

As the industry is still young, parking at EV charging stations can be troublesome.EV owners should not park their car at charging spots if they are not actively charging their vehicle.It's inconsiderate to other EV drivers who might need the charger.

Once your vehicle has finished charging, promptly move it to a regular parking spot to free up the charging station for other users. Avoid leaving your EV parked at a charger for extended periods, as this may inconvenience other drivers who need to charge their vehicles.

Prioritise fast charging:Be mindful

If you’re not in a hurry, offer the fast charger to someone who needs it more urgently. Especially at fast-charging stations, avoid keeping your car plugged in longer than necessary once it's reached a good charge level (often around 80%). These stations are meant for quick top-ups, and someone else might need the charger urgently.This promotes a sense of community and goodwill among EV users.

Keep charging area clean :General courtesy

A clean charging area ensures a pleasant experience for everyone. Dispose of any trash properly in designated bins, and coil the charging cable neatly when you're done.Be considerate of other users.By following these simple guidelines, you can help make the EV charging experience smooth and pleasant for everyone.

Monitor charging status

Many charging stations have apps that allow you to monitor your charge remotely.keep an eye on how much your car has charged.This way, you can move your car once it's finished charging and free up the spot for someone else. Most of the time you should only charge an EV to 80% .There are two reasons: charging performance and battery longevity.Because charging rates slow down dramatically past the 80% mark. And two, the long-term health of your vehicle's battery pack is improved when kept below 100%.


Don't unplug others

Leave other people's cars plugged in! Most stations will lock the charger connector in place until the car is finished charging or the owner unlocks it. Unplugging someone else's car is a big no-no.

Educate and assist new EV driver

New drivers may be unfamiliar with proper charging etiquette. Be patient and offer assistance to anyone who may need help, ensuring a smooth transition to electric mobility for all users.There are many online forums and communities dedicated to electric vehicles. Join these to connect with other EV drivers, share experiences, and ask questions.

Being responsible for equipment

Handle the cable with care.Regularly inspect the charging cable for damage. Report any issues to the station operator. Damaged cables can be a safety hazard.Avoid extreme temperatures for charging if possible. Consult your car's manual for recommended charging practices.

Be patient and respectful

Patience is the key to get a pleasant EV charging experience.Be prepared to wait if the charging station is your turn if the charging station is occupied and avoid unplugging someone else’s vehicle without their permission.By being considerate, patient, and responsible, we can ensure a seamless charging experience for all EV users.

Summing Up

Practicing good electric vehicle charging etiquette is crucial for fostering a positive EV community in India.By following these simple guidelines, you can ensure a smooth and pleasant EV charging experience for everyone!

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