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How Should We Build An EV-Charging Infrastructure?
Simran Kaur
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Published on 4th Apr 22

Recharging Urban Transportation: Deploying Charging Infrastructure

The provision of electric vehicle charging infrastructure is crucial for the EV market to grow. Cities must invest in large-scale EV charging infrastructure and solicit funding from other stakeholders.

Electric vehicles have enormous promise as a means for cities to reduce local air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and oil consumption in the transportation sector. When fuelled by renewable energy, EVs can emit zero emissions at the vehicle's exhaust and much decrease emissions over the vehicle's life. They do, however, add to congestion and air pollution as a result of particles emitted by tyres and brakes. Thus, a shift to EVs should be framed within a broader vision for the majority of urban travels to be undertaken via public transportation, bicycle, or on foot.


Let's look at how to make this possible!

Charge point counts:

Using criteria established by comparable cities to determine drivers' availability to private charging stations. Calculate the number of charges based on a ratio of EVs, not a fixed amount. The ratio in your city is mostly determined by the availability of home charging for EV drivers and the importance of public charging in your EV uptake strategy.

If more drivers have access to charging stations at their homes or places of employment. If private parking is scarce, additional public charging will be required.

Constructing public chargers can boost drivers' confidence in switching to EVs, facilitate the supply of charging-related incentives, and exert pressure on other stakeholders to construct charging stations.

They should be strategically located to maximize utilisation and reduce traffic congestion. Additionally, placement should minimise strain on the power grid by locating them in regions with adequate transformer and distribution capacity for the charger type being placed.

It is Certain that charging infrastructure meets demand by tracking the number of EVs, the number of EV charge points, and the demand for charge stations. If not, this might stymie EV adoption. Discover the current state of the electric vehicle market in your area.

Charge point types:

Identify the appropriate combination of kinds to fulfil local requirements. Cities can begin by concentrating their efforts on the vehicles over which they have the most control. Frequently, this entails electrifying buses, municipal fleets (public works, police, and other city-owned vehicles), and taxis, as well as constructing the necessary charging infrastructure. Buses can charge slowly or quickly overnight, or quickly on-route. Taxi fleets typically require rapid charging, particularly if they operate 24 hours a day.

A suitable balance between speedy and slower charging outlets should be achieved based on the locations, times, and types of vehicles for which EV drivers will charge. To achieve this balance, cities can conduct a market analysis of the following: The types of EVs that citizens are already driving or are predicted to drive in the future in order to meet city EV targets. Increased proportions of PHEVs relative to BEVs will necessitate the addition of slower chargers, and vice versa.

When and where they charge.

Increased percentages of EV drivers charging on the road rather than overnight or at their place of employment will necessitate the addition of more fast chargers, and vice versa.

Government financing

The cost of electric vehicle charging infrastructure has decreased significantly over the previous decade as a result of technology advancements and increased manufacturing scales.

The significant costs associated with government-led programs include improving the energy system to accommodate rapid chargers, purchasing and installing charge points, and procuring, administering, and maintaining the land. Cities can contribute to innovation and price reductions by setting ambitious targets for large-scale adoption.

In places with high fuel prices, reselling power from public charge points at a markup can pay the cost of installation and even profit. Advertising provides another cash stream for governments straight from charge points.

Update municipal regulations and incentives to encourage – or mandate – charging infrastructure.

In order to cut government expenditures, cities should take advantage of growing markets and secure stakeholder investment. This will speed up the implementation of charging infrastructure. Listed below are proven models for financing EV charging infrastructure:

Building codes for EVs In new constructions as well as rebuilt residential, commercial, and municipal parking, cities might demand EV charging facilities.

Encourage EV Makers to invest.

Some already invest in this infrastructure because it is profitable. BMW, Daimler, Ford, and Volkswagen Group formed IONITY, a joint venture to create 400 rapid charging stations along major European motorways. Incentives and mandates for EV charging at gas stations can help cities attract investment from these stakeholders.

Obtain local business investment.

Some retailers are eager to host charging stations to gain revenue from EV drivers. Cities can work with local business groups to support the investment's commercial rationale. They can use rewards.

Encourage landowners to monetize their land.

Land acquisition is a major expense for private chargers. Cities may help by offering tax breaks and other benefits to landowners who allow EV charging.

Simplify the permit process.

Many governments have streamlined permission procedures and poured investment into charging infrastructure. The growth is only going to get bigger from here. To have more insights on EVs and their rising infrastructure keep following Kazam.

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