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How will the electric vehicle industry develop?
Shayma Shamim
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Published on 21st Nov 22

How will the electric vehicle industry develop?

The first electric car was created over 200 years ago. Fast forward to the 21st century, and electric vehicles are now selling like hotcakes. Everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon and switch from petrol cars to electric cars. But why? Why is everyone now suddenly worried about electric cars? How popular will these things become in the near future and in the coming years? Will the industry as a whole continue to grow? Well, read on to find out everything you need to know about this subject.

The electric vehicle industry has a bright future

With the first batch of electric vehicles presented to the public, there were many problems. They were slow and inefficient, and loading them was a nightmare. But this is no longer the case. In fact, these days, electric vehicles are considered more reliable and efficient than their petrol counterparts. Plus, as the availability of electric vehicles and quality charger manufacturers are growing at a rapid pace, the industry is expected to boom. From 2016 to 2022, the popularity of electric vehicles grew at a fast pace of 40%. In addition, by 2035, most of the automotive industry is expected to switch to electric vehicles. But why are people falling in love with electric cars so quickly? Here are the main reasons why.

The main reasons why people today prefer electric vehicles

1. Climate change is now a growing concern

One of the main reasons why electric vehicles are being adopted so quickly is their environmental friendliness. Gasoline vehicles pollute the environment by releasing a lot of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere as a result of the combustion that occurs in their engines. This carbon dioxide harms the environment and makes it less attractive to people. In addition, our natural fuel is consumed at a high rate. If we continue to consume our fuel at the same rate as today, it will run out very soon. When that happens, we will no longer have fuel to burn, and this is where electric vehicles come into play. An electric car does not emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and, therefore, does not harm the environment. In general, electric vehicles help us save the world in the long run. Although people were not aware of this concept in the past, today they are very concerned about it. Thus, the rate of adaptation of electric vehicles is increasing to accommodate positive changes.

2. electric cars are silent

Noise pollution is no different from any other type of pollution; it makes our atmosphere suffer. Gasoline cars make a lot of noise. In densely populated urban areas, the sound from each vehicle adds up and the atmosphere becomes harmful to people's ears. Electric cars, as you may know, don't make any noise. Thus, they completely eliminate the problem of automobile noise pollution.


Now many car manufacturers are switching to electric motors. So, now we have a lot of options for choosing an electric car in the seller's market. More options lead to more competition, and more competition means better products for consumers. Consequently, electric vehicles are getting really good now, and they come in all shapes and sizes that consumers can choose from. In addition, electric vehicles are also available in hybrid models, which provide even more flexibility for users. The hybrid model essentially offers the best of both worlds. You can charge and drive it like an electric car. However, if your power runs out, you can always go back to the petrol engine as a backup. In general, electric vehicles are becoming more accessible to people, offering many options for flexibility.

4. Electric cars are cheaper to run

While electric vehicles are comparatively more expensive to buy, they are cheaper to drive. In most cases, an electric car will give you much better value for money than a gas car. This is why people are willing to invest extra money, in the beginning, to get much better energy efficiency later on. In addition, as gasoline prices rise globally in 2022, electric vehicles are further reducing the cost-to-distance ratio compared to gasoline vehicles. Now more than ever, it makes sense to switch to an electric car and enjoy much more energy efficiency.

5. Electric cars are faster

An electric car consumes energy much more efficiently than a traditional gasoline car. Thus, it can produce much more power without the need for a massive power supply.

Result? These days, electric cars are much faster than gas-powered cars, but only cost a few times less than hypercars. Thanks to this perk, electric vehicles have recently enjoyed a lot of popularity with performance enthusiasts who like to talk about the number of cars they own.

6. Charging infrastructure is growing

Due to the lack of public charging stations and private chargers, charging your electric vehicle has been a challenge in the past, but not now. Today, public charging stations are widespread. The number of public chargers is rapidly growing in many of the world's leading markets such as China, the US, the UK, and others. In addition, the availability of private chargers is also increasing day by day as more and more manufacturers join this trend.

Wrapping Up

Finally, words that if you ever need your own electric vehicle charger for home or commercial use, Kazam EV has you covered. Kazam is a leading manufacturer of electric vehicle chargers that creates durable products with a good user experience.

At Kazam we manufacture and market chargers that are destined to stand the test of time while also offering you maximum efficiency.

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